Class Policies

1. Arrive to class on time.

2. Check the Homework Board and Agenda. Write down any homework for the day into your agenda book.

3. Submit your completed homework that is due and place your class materials on the table.

4. Complete the "Do Now" assignment - this may be a quick-write, journal entry, vocabulary exercise to help get our lesson started.

5. Once you complete the "Do Now" wait quietly and read a book for pleasure.

Text (i.e. novel, poem, short story, non-fiction article)

Homework due that day

homework folder (purple or white recommended)

1-inch three-ring binder (purple or white recommended)

Composition notebook (stored in the classroom)

BLS Agenda book

Blue or black pens 

Highlighter (any color). Students should place these items atop the table to demonstrate readiness for class.

For Your Binder:
The binder will need to be organized in this order:

1. Syllabus & Resources

2. Table of Contents & Handouts (e.g. assignments, vocabulary lists, worksheets)

3. Graded assignments

4. Declamation

100-90     A, 89-80     B, 79-70     C, 69-60     D, 59-0     F
This is the general breakdown of the letter grades. For a more detailed allocation of plus and minuses please reference the BLS Student Handbook, also known as the Agenda Book.

Students’ mastery of content and skills will be assessed (graded) through a combination of products, such as homework assignments, class work, quizzes, discussions, compositions, oral reports, and projects. A percentile system will be used to average a student’s grade per quarter. Grades will be assessed on a scale of 10 to 100 points. Here is the breakdown of the percentile system:

7 Components to Class Success = 100%
Homework (“easy-peasy” nuts and bolts): 5%

Quizzes (includes reading checks a.k.a. pop quizzes): 15%
Homework (worksheets & exercises): 15%
Classwork: 10%  
Tests: 25%  
Participation: 5%
Projects & Written Assignments: 25%  

Final Grade: 1st quarter 25%, 2nd quarter 25%, 3rd quarter 25%, 4th quarter 25%
Participating in class means coming prepared to share your ideas, work collaboratively with your classmates, complete written and oral work during daily lessons.

Respect for yourself (integrity), for others students, and for me-your teacher is of the utmost importance to me.

Be punctual. Arrive to class on time and wait for me to dismiss you at the end of the period.

Be prepared for class. Have the correct books, binder, homework and pen/pencil for class.

School issued books should always be covered with a book sock or durable piece of paper (no lined or printer paper).

You are responsible for keeping graded materials I pass back to you! DO NOT STORE/FILE --I dare say "THROW AWAY" (never throw anything away until the end of the year or unless I say you can) ANY GRADED ASSIGNMENTS UNTIL AFTER YOU RECEIVE YOUR PROGRESS/REPORT CARD. For example, if I make a mistake on SIS and enter a 76% instead of a 96%, you must have the paper with the grade I wrote on it in order for me to change it.

Familiarize yourself with the Boston Latin School Handbook (a.k.a. agenda book). I will hold you accountable for the school rules. Know the rules.

Major assignments, i.e., compositions, outside reading projects, oral reports, quizzes, etc. will always be worth 10 < points. I will always provide a number of days for you to prepare for the submission of these assessments.

Daily assignments i.e., chapter notes, reflections, and study guides should be done in a thorough manner with attention to detail. All questions or exercises have been neatly completed (handwriting or typing is accepted). Directions have been followed. The proper heading is placed in the correct sequence in the upper left-hand corner. A title has been centered at the top of the page. Daily assignments are worth up to >10 points. Typically, homework should take approximately 30 minutes a night on average.

Homework assignments (major or daily) that are submitted with fringe, crumpled, or discolored from food or drink will not receive credit.

Late homework for daily assignments does not receive credit. My definition of "Late" is homework that has been submitted past the due date. A daily assignment that is submitted on the due date BUT after the class period ends, may earn partial credit. Major assignments that are submitted late will have point deductions for each day lost. (Classwork follows the same protocol. However, classwork may be submitted for partial credit after the due date and before the unit binder packet check).

Typing Assignments - Please use size 12 font, Times New Roman, and double-space, using 1-inch margins. On occasion, I may allow you to be creative and use other font and text sizes for various assignments. Just ask if you need clarification.

Assessment Policy- Any quiz* receiving a score below 70% may be retaken. Students are allowed to retake tests and quizzes,  and the average of both attempts will be calculated into the term grade; however, the maximum retake score is 75%. The retake policy is in place to encourage students to further their learning and efforts. Retakes must be arranged within a week of the date the graded quiz or test has been returned.
*The retake policy excludes read checks (a.k.a. pop quizzes). The lowest read check score will be dropped per term.  

  • All major written graded assignments (excluding daily homework) i.e., compositions, should be typed according to the BLS rules of writing with the proper heading. The inability to do this will result in the reduction of credit.
  • Projects and written assignments are exempt from the retake policy because such assignments are done over an extended time frame. For late submissions, there will be a 10% deduction for each day after the due date.

It is your responsibility to check with me the day you return from an absence to find out what you missed. Visit the "Assignments" page on the class blog (which lists the daily assignments), the classroom weekly homework board, and consult with a classmate. The day after students return from an absence they must submit the make-up homework with an attached note listing the date(s) of absence. Students must visit the "Absent Work Bin" and sign on for the "Make up Work" sheet located in the classroom. Quiz and test make-ups should be scheduled upon the student's return from an absence.
E-Submission Policy
While absent you may submit your homework electronically by e-mailing it to my address.

Please reference the ELA 7 course syllabus. Click on the Handouts tab and the syllabus is your first link.

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