Friday, October 29, 2010

Scholastic Book Orders

Hi Students & Parents!
This afternoon I submitted the Scholastic book orders. The deadline was October 28th. If parents ordered online, your credit card should be charged shortly, and payments made by check will be processed soon, since I am placing them in the mail this afternoon. The next opportunity to order will be near the holiday season. 

Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Upfront a Success

With the generosity of students and parents, our cluster has purchased a class set of a subscription to The New York Times Upfront magazine for teens! We will receive a total of 14 publications during the course of the school year. Many students have already commented on how much they enjoy reading the articles. Many thanks to all who made this subscription possible :-)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Welcome to Ms. Occean's blog! This year we will be addressing many aspects of writing, grammar, and oral speaking skills. In all our classroom endeavors we will want to address the following three essential questions: 
1) How do we define the sentence?
2) How are we life-long writers?
3) What elements make a great declaimer?