Thursday, December 13, 2012

December Updates

Hi Students,

Remember to follow the December calendar I distributed in class earlier this week. It states the assignments for the next two weeks. Remember your Alice's Adventures in Wonderland test (will include content and vocabulary) will be on Friday, December 21st.

Read The Hobbit over the course of the month. It is an expectation that you complete the reading by January 3rd, 2013. The reading of The Hobbit is for pleasure. No note-taking is required!

Check out this website, sponsored by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): Victorian Britain
Here you can discover what it was like to live in Victorian England as a child, since Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is set in this time period. Feel free to click around and explore!

All the best with your studies,
~Mrs. Occean Callum

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Test on A Midsummer Night's Dream

Dear Students,
Make certain to study for the test on A Midsummer Night's Dream. The test will be on Tuesday, November 6th. It will cover character identification, plot development, and quotations.

Study and be prepared!

~Mrs. Occean Callum

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Midsummer Night's Dream - The Hancock Cluster 2012

Check out the great work students have been doing with A Midsummer Night's Dream. In this video of photos, you will see students performing lines from Act 2 Scene 2 of the play :)

~Mrs. Occean Callum

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dragonwings Project: Kites and Gliders

Hi Students,

After today's introduction to the Dragonwings kite and glider project, which is due October 6th, I thought it would be helpful if I posted a few links. These links provide step-by-step video instructions on the making of simple kites and paper gliders. Here is a link to an e-how demonstration of how one can craft a kite out of plastic: Obviously, you can probably use similar techniques demonstrated in the series of video demonstrations to use with plastic or other materials, such as paper or cloth. Here is another ehow demonstration of how to make a kite out of paper: Here is a demonstration of how to make a paper glider: Making Gliders. I hope these links are helpful in your endeavors. Remember that the informational sheet and rubric for the project are available for download on the handouts page of the blog. Good luck on the project and remember that it is due on Monday, October 6th!

~Mrs. Callum

Field Trip Assignment

Hi Students,

Feel free to download the field trip handout by clicking on the "Handouts" tab. Then click on the Dragonwings Field Trip Handout in order to download. Visit the website listed on the handout or click here:

Once you open to the website, click on the eyewitness who matches your conflict group topic.

Conflict Group:
Eyewitness Assignment:
Person vs. person
Dr. George Blumer

Person vs. Nature
Emma M. Burke (wife of an attorney)

Person vs. Society
Thomas Jefferson Chase (Ferry Building ticket clerk and telegrapher)
Person vs. Self
Jack London

Person vs. Fate (Destiny)
Enrico Caruso

Finally, answer the four questions provided on the handout.

See you tomorrow!
~Mrs. Occean Callum

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dragonwings Test

Please remember to study for the Dragonwings test, which is scheduled for Friday, October 5th. The test will cover the content of the novel. Refer to your study guides, charts, graphic organizers and notes to prepare for the test. Students will be quizzed on vocabulary at a later date next week.

Update on Upfront Donations

Hi Students and Parents,

Based on the very generous donations made by students and parents of the cluster, we have generated $226 toward our yearly class subscription to The New York Times and Scholastic's Upfront magazine. Magazines should be delivered to the school within the next three weeks!

Thank you once again for your helpfulness.
~Mrs. Occean Callum :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to Reading Class!

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to my classroom blog--The Callum Corner! Welcome to reading class! I have exciting lessons and projects planned for us and cannot wait to kick-off the school year! Feel free to take an opportunity to browse the site. The blog will always be a work in progress. Throughout the year, I will update the homework page almost daily. Helpful handouts and links will periodically be added to assist the students with their learning. At any given time you may find resources that are helpful to either reading or writing class. Other items on the site include useful resources, and some (downloadable) important handouts from class. The tabs at the top of the page will lead you to these helpful tools.  Please consider becoming a follower of the blog. Feel free to post a comment that shows you visited the site :-)


~Mrs. "Occean" Callum

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Debate Rubrics Posted

Hi Students,

Four out of the five rubrics are available for viewing on the blog. Please click on the "Handouts" tab, and you will find a list of rubrics by class section. Click on your writing class section and preview the rubric. Bring any questions you may have about your section's rubric to class tomorrow. The judges will try their best to answer your questions.

Enjoy your Sunday!
~Mrs. Occean Callum

Friday, May 25, 2012

May News!

Congratulations to Michael Gross for being the first place winner in the 2012 Student Essay Contest sponsored by the Massachusetts Credit Union League. Michael has been invited to attend an awards ceremony at the State House to be recognized on June 7, 2012.

Currently students are wrapping up their studies in writing class with parts of speech, particularly adjectives, prepositions, and conjunctions. We are finishing our study of different types of writing with the art of persuasion, which will conclude with a debate.

It is not too soon to begin studying for the final exam, which is scheduled for Wednesday, June 13th (periods 6 & 7).

As a cluster, we would not want to leave you without a good book to read. Please refer to the website for information on summer reading requirements. Consider purchasing recreational books to read over the summer via If you plan to buy books, please submit your order by May 29th!

Enjoy the long weekend!
~Mrs. Occean Callum

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Essay Contests and Publication Opportunities!

All students are hard at work, writing personal narratives for Term IV. At the culmination of this effort, students will either select an essay award contest to submit their writing or submit their piece to the Register, the Boston Latin School literary magazine. Below you will find the various Internet links to three of the essay contests and other websites that are devoted to students publishing written work. Feel free to peruse and read the information on the different websites!

Red Sox  Scholars Program Essay Contest:

Will McDonough Writing Contest:

Alliance for Young Artists and Writers:

Teen Ink: A Literary Magazine:
Teen Ink

Launch Pad: Where Young Writers and Illustrators Take Off!
Launch Pad

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation:

~Mrs. Occean Callum & Ms. Burbank

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Prezi presentation on plot, using Toy Story as an example, can be found here: Plot Prezi

Friday, January 27, 2012

Term III Declamations Are Sooner Than You Realize!

Hi Students,

Just a reminder to share: Declamation week starts Monday, February 13th and ends Thursday, February 16, 2012. Make certain you are learning the lines to your speech and practicing your delivery in front of family and friends.

~Mrs. Occean Callum & Ms. Burbank

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Term III Declamation Selections...

Hi Students!

It's that time of the term again--declamation selections. This term we will be declaiming speeches by well-known orators and public figures. A great resource to search for speeches is the American Rhetoric website. Rhetoric means the art of effective persuasive speaking or writing. This term we will be focusing on how to be effective, persuasive speakers. Feel free to click on the link to American Rhetoric: Top 100 Speeches, and browse the entire site! I will begin to accept submissions on Wednesday, January 11th. All submissions are due no later than this Friday, January the 13th.

~Ms. Occean