Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2018 Queen of Hearts Tea Party

Friday, February 16th the Adams Cluster had a good time at their Queen of Hearts Tea Party! What an inspiration the reading of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland had on our culinary skills. The students enjoyed eating delicious snacks, drinking iced tea, mingling with their classmates, and sharing their concrete poems--inspired by the one Lewis Carroll wrote in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Check out some of the photos from the day by clicking on this link:2018 Queen of Hearts Tea Party

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

We are starting February with our study of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland! If you are ever without your copy of the text, click on the Resources tab and click on the pdf version of the text to keep up with the reading schedule! Our quiz on the book is scheduled for Thursday, February 15th, with a special treat coming on Friday, February 16th!