Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Review Packet Resources Available


You can find the answer key to the grammar review packet under the "Handouts" tab. It is the most recent link I have posted. Hope the key is helpful with your studies this evening!

~Ms. Occean

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Essay Check In

Hi Students!

I have returned and recently checked my school email. Some students have been showering me with questions about the essay due tomorrow (Monday, June 20th). Here are just a few reminders:

1) The essay is due Monday, June 20th (except for Section 41 who may turn work in on Tuesday, June 21st due to final exam scheduling).

2) The essay must be a 5-paragraph essay as the rubric addresses. The sample student essay is 3 paragraphs. I thoroughly previewed, explained, reviewed, and offered time for students to ask further clarifying questions about the packet, specifically the difference between the 5-paragraph requirement and the sample 3-paragraph essay. I stated that if you did not conceptually understand the difference between the 5-paragraph and 3-paragraph essay that you should speak to me prior to Wednesday of last week. Make certain your essay is 5-paragraphs!

3) Although I required you to provide 2 sources of information, if you referred to more than 2 sources, those additional sources must be cited in your bibliography as well. Anytime you include information, evidence that is not your own thinking, you MUST cite the source in order to avoid plagiarism. Use Citation Machine and Easy Bib to expedite this process.

See you on Monday :-)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Debate Score Guides Available

The debate score guides that students e-mailed to me are now available on the handouts page of the blog. Feel free to review them. I have also added two links to helpful citation websites for your upcoming essay. I will share more information about the persuasive essay on Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
~Ms. Occean

Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Don't Buy It!" -- An Extra Credit Opportunity

If you found the segment of class that focused on our critical study of the media interesting, here is an interactive way to continue your learning! Visit "Don't Buy It," an educational website by PBSkids.org. On this website, you will learn different ways advertisements, commercials, and television manipulates information and sends strategic messages to its audience i.e., consumers and viewers.

Browse through the website. Try some of the interactive quizzes. Then, write a one paragraph summary of something you found interesting during your search. Make certain the paragraph has a clear main idea --topic sentence. No "I statements" in the topic sentence please. No contractions either! Submit by Monday, June 6th, and you will receive up to 4 points!

Link: http://pbskids.org/dontbuyit/entertainment/
Feel free to post comments of your thoughts about the website on the blog :-)